The MLC / Annesley Old Scholars Association is open to all past students of the school. The Association currently comprises an Old Scholars Committee, which in turn, comprises an Executive Committee (President, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer). Any financial old scholar is welcome to become a committee member and elections for the Executive Committee occur every year.
The Annual General Meeting is usually held during November and all past students are encouraged to attend, whether they are part of the committee or not.
The Association's fundraisers occur throughout the year and include Mid Year and November luncheons - all of which have proved to be very popular. The decade reunions are very important events as they provide the Associatioan with updated information on past students, as well as give past students an opportunity to get together with friends, some of whom they haven’t seen since leaving school.
Our Objectives

To promote unity and fellowship among former scholars of Methodist Ladies College and Annsley College and those members of the Association
To encourage all eligible persons to become members; and to do all acts, matters and things as are necessary for the advancement of these objectives
To promote the interests and well being of the College community
Our History

The Old Scholars Association was formed as the Methodist Ladies College Guild on Wednesday 8 March 1905.
The first Old Scholars church service was held on 15 November 1908.
The Centenary Service was held at Malvern Uniting Church during Old Scholars Week in 2008.